Therapeutic Art
At New Twist on “Art Therapy”
You’ve heard about the “good vibration” of 528Hz for transmitting LOVE—the “Universal Healer.”
You may also know about ORGONE generators used to transmit subtle healing energy with noticeable benefits.
Put these technologies together and you have a new art form–“Therapeutic Art.”
Here is an example of using 528 energy knowledge in helpful technologies, resulting in some of the best natural healing instruments in the world.
The tuning forks in the photograph above are sitting in orgone generators artistically made using gemstones in a 528Hz frequency cymatically-treated natural resin base.
528 Bio-Energy Technology . . .
This example of “528 Therapeutic Art” is designed to deliver fast relief from aches and pains, anxiety, tense muscles, and stress. It is also very effective in helping speed healing and pain relief from traumatic injuries, like when you stub your toe, or whack your elbow. (Besides applying typical first aid, use these instruments for added benefits.)
This therapeutic art form, detailed in this photo to your left, shows you the main components of Sherri kane and Leonard Horowitz design for 528 Pyramid Orgone Generators.
These examples of 528 Therapeutic Art used to transmit 528 bio-energy to you, your environment, or home, car, or workplace, includes the following components, detailed here for you to develop these instruments yourself:
•Copper Coil;
•Powerful magnet (south pole peak, north pole base);
•Quarts crystal and natural gemstones for generating natural energies;
•Pure quality high cost natural resin matrix (not fiberglass) cured with light and sound to resonate the 528Hz/528nm frequencies for optimal healing;
•528 rubber striking ring inscribed with the instruction: “LOVE 528—USE WITH FAITH & PRAYER FOR HEALING;”
A number of design features enhance the energy generating power of this Therapeutic Art: The magnet is positioned “North” facing down so that when you place these orgone generators down upon painful locations on your body, you send alkalizing electrons into the tissues in pain and distress.
In case you are not able to produce these artistic inventions on your own, and wish to purchase a supply for your home, workplace, medical clinic, or as therapeutic gifts for holidays or special events, just CLICK HERE.