Were Special Music Frequencies Used by Hendrix, Marley, Prince and Lennon?

Advertisement Exposes International Conspirators Diverting from LOVE 528Hz
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Read this advertisement.

Who is the “Lex J 432Hz”
Not a real person. A ‘scam bot.’ A nobody.
Here is one of dozens of ‘nobody’ links popping-up all over the Internet.

Why would the nobody spend so much time manufacturing such a beautiful advertisement for musicians, audiophiles, and natural healers, to attract all these bloggers to a 528-tagged web-page that doesn’t say anything about 528Hz frequency? Whereas, it urges people to enjoy 432Hz music.
Notice that nobody left a trail for discovery. You read that this scam-bot campaigns (with Deep State financing and intent) to capture the millions of Internet users interested in “LOVE 528.” (A “List of (528) Instagram media to be taken by Lex J 432Hz”–the scam-bot–is the published intention.)
Is this simply commercial competition. Something like the Budweiser v. Miller controversy?
But who is the real ‘plaintiff’ here in 432 v. 528? I know I represent the defendant. I wrote about this subject on the most popular article in this controversy. It is published here.
Consider the nobody’s articles, their subjects, on his blog. Then review my bounty of works on the same subjects over the past 20-years. You will see that nobody’s general theme infringes on my interests, intellectual properties, intelligence, and/or published books, articles, and films. To do what? HASH IT ALL! CONFUSE IT ALL! CONTROL IT ALL!
But thanks to this bot idiot, Lex 432Hz, you can now smell a rat. You can awaken to this real international conspiracy to defraud people about powerful musical frequencies that are healing people without drugs; even protecting people without vaccines.
FYI: Lex 432Hz publishes on “Picgra.” The ScamAdviser warns Picgra is a foreign country scam-bot untrustworthy service.
The Deep State’s music-industry, controlled by criminal psychopaths, acts to confuse you about the musical frequencies used by four mysteriously-killed music icons: Hendrix–the pioneering Master of Electric Guitar; Marley–the Voice of Love-Resistance in Reggae; Prince–the Professor of Spiritual Ascendance in Pop; and Lennon–the Genius Peace Activist Who Changed the World by His Musical Courage.
Diagnosing the Fraud
First, let me say I have nothing against 432Hz. It is a great natural frequency. I use it to balance the second (orange) chakra. You can listen to “Creative Confidence“–the third track of my new Solfeggio Eclectica album, to hear my 432Hz composition.
But the nobody’s advertisement promoting 432Hz appears to be part of a large, well-organized, well-financed, international MKULTRA/COINTELPRO deception and marketing campaign to generate confusion with disinformation about 432Hz. The dishonest effort diverts from, and undermines, the A=444Hz/C=528Hz “LOVERevolution”.
Let me detail why the nobody’s advertisement is fraudulent:
(1) I know of no Jimmy Hendrix recording in A=432. In fact, Sherri Kane and I transposed many Hendrix recordings. We listen to them all the time on the Classic Rock station on 528Radio.com. All of Hendrix’s tracks were done originally in A=440 according to our 528Records.com transposition service.
I know that for sure because when we transposed them into 528, and put them on 528Radio.com, I am able to play along with Hendrix perfectly with my guitar tuned to A=444Hz/C=528Hz. That would not be the case if Hendrix recorded in A=432.
(2) Bob Marley did not record in A=432Hz either. Absolutely not! Through a colleague, I’ve been in touch with Ziggy Marley. He never made any mention of his father playing in A=432Hz.
But don’t take my word for that. Prove it to yourself, that some of Marley’s songs were actually recorded in A=444Hz and C=528Hz, but not A-432Hz. Go to this link, for example, “Stir it Up” starts to play on this video. Take out your guitar tuned to A=444Hz, and you can play along with Marley perfectly in tune.
But then, for the fun of it, try to do the same with A=432Hz. Retune your instrument to A=432, and you will see that it sounds dreadful with Marley’s “Stir it Up.”
In the past, I have seen that Bob Marley recorded a little off of 440Hz frequency on occasion. That saddened me, because I wanted to use the 528Record.com transposition software to get Marley’s music up on 528Radio.com beautifully transposed. I was unable to do it, because Marley’s band was a bit off of A=440Hz.
But, certainly not way off like A=432Hz.
To be helpful, someone might go through all of Marley recordings and figure out which ones are in A=440Hz (standard tuning), and let us know. We will then transpose them for free into 528Hz, and put them on the radio.
We love you Bob Marley!
Sadly, the nobody, Lex432Hz, exploits these deceased rock icons to push his MKULTRA/ COINTELPRO mind-control, social-control, population-control agenda. Ask this nobody Deep State operative for his proof. On the other hand, don’t waste your time. He doesn’t have any. He doesn’t even actually exist!
(3) Prince absolutely did not record in A=432Hz. I know this for a fact, because I am a huge fan of his, and I have been in correspondence with the copyright owner of Purple Rain. He gave me permission to transpose Purple Rain into A=444/C=528Hz which I attempted to do without great success, as you can listen to here. My transposition is close, but not good enough for my ears. I want to play along, but get frustrated. The reason for this discrepancy I believe is because Prince recorded a little off on the video I transposed to the best of my ability.
It had me fooled. I thought from this video that Prince recorded close to C=528Hz. But later I realized he didn’t always use the same tuning when performing Purple Rain.
To realize this yourself, experiment on what is called the “Official Video” of Purple Rain. Try A=438Hz. This is the closest I could get with my Korg Chromatic Tuner and Martin. Only when I tune to A=438Hz can I play along with good harmonic convergence.
By the way, this is an outstanding video of Purple Rain that was originally recorded and performed in loving memory to Prince’s father. If Prince knew about A=444/C=528–the “LOVE Frequency”, he would have done what Bono did with U2 in loving memory to his mother Iris. In Bono’s Songs of Innocence album, his feature track–“Iris Hold Me Close”–is recorded in C=528Hz.
I have to assume that Prince did not know anything about A=432, or A=444, or C=528 tuning from my research of his recordings. In fact, his most important final gift to humanity was his “Final Sermon”—“One Song.” I needed to transpose it into A=444Hz/C=528. It took me some time to tweak it to the best of my ability. You can listen to my transposition of One Song here.
(4) John Lennon, however, did record in A=444Hz. And that is a mystery for us to solve. How did Lennon know about the “MIracle” frequency of A=444/C=528Hz? How fitting to have the greatest musical peace-pleading in history recorded in “LOVE 528.”
Alternatively, I have no evidence that Lennon ever recorded anything in A=432Hz. You need to get me that evidence if it exists. Surely, the nobody won’t get it to me.
Further evidencing a global conspiracy to suppress Lennon’s LOVE/528 in the original Imagine track, start with the fact that Lennon’s Imagine was recorded on his white piano specifically tuned to A=444Hz. The original recording is in C(5)=528Hz according to the LP record. The original videos of Imagine on YouTube vibrate likewise in A=444Hz/C=528Hz.
Then my collaborating researchers discovered and publicized the fact that Imagine was recorded in C=528Hz. Then the Deep State and Google/YouTube retaliated by transposing the videos online to a different frequency. Last time I checked, they was still altered.
But the original I preserved here on RevolutionTelevision.net.
More Evidence of Fraud
More evidence of the nobody’s fraud is shown in the advertisement. You will notice the 28-pointed star in the ‘cymaglyph’ that is alleged to have been produced by 432Hz. I conclude this is a forgery for consumer fraud and 528-industry subversion.
Evidence for this assertion comes from John Stuart Reid, who is the leading expert in this field. I know John is very reputable. Below is the cymaglyph John produced with his Cymascope tuned to 432Hz. It bears no resemblance to the nobody’s hyped graphic showing a 28-point star image.

Below, I have added two screenshots from others who purportedly duplicated John’s cymatics experiment. They do not resemble either John’s image, or the nobody’s hyped image.

Now look at the number of points in John’s colorful image above. There are eight apparent points, but one appears to be missing. This is a likely artifact of the movement that occurred at the moment the photo was taken. There would probably be nine points one instant later. That makes sense for 432Hz. The numerology of 432 is a 9. (4+3+2=9)
John also produced the image below showing the frequency of 528Hz. It has 36 points. That makes sense too, because 528=15=6. 6×6=36.

I conclude from the aforementioned facts that the Deep State is working hard through nobodies, (trolls and MKULTRA disinformation [COINTELPRO] agents) to divert from A=444Hz/C=528Hz and our snowballing “528LOVERevolution.” These nobodies are doing this because of the extraordinary benefits to humanity that are coming from our research and publications.
I believe the bottom line is that the special natural frequencies and science of cymatics provide the keys to free humanity from petrochemical-pharmaceutical slavery. Those who profit from keeping people confused, fearful, ignorant and ill oppose our revelations and healing frequency prescriptions. But dimwits and criminal psychopaths get-off on exploiting dead music heroes through nobodies.