Shatter the Medical Paradigm with the Amazing ‘Frequency Rehab’ Course Enriching Caregivers’ Miraculous Healing Power
Transform Your Career in Healthcare with this FREQUENCY REHAB COURSE:
Learn the Art & Science of Miracle-Making for Natural Healing.

AUDACIOUS CLAIM? Impossible you think? Click this banner to read Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s life-changing story.
People generally agree, MIRACLES HAPPEN. ‘Spontaneous remissions’ of cancers, extraordinary survival stories, and even success in every part of life has often been attributed to miracles.
For the first time in history, the dynamics of miracle-making are explained by advancing science. Invest in this know-how, in miracles, and prosper from ‘Transforming Caregiving’ through ‘Frequency Rehab’ miracle-making! It’s no longer a mystery. The Frequency Rehab Course demystifies the miraculous.

Click to learn the simple, home made, high tech solutions to injurious medicine that has been secreted too long.
Medicine has let a lot of people down.
So you have a choice: Leave your life and health in the hands of ‘medical deities,’ or in your own or loved-ones’ hands, broadcasting the power of ‘LOVE/528 Frequency’ for DNA repair, renewed vitality, and natural longevity–all proven by science and endorsed by experts in these fields.
Leave unnecessary suffering and premature dying behind. Protect yourself and others. Teach people how to best administer bio-energized self-care for faster recoveries, optimal health, and higher-levels of wellness. Register for this Frequency Rehab CourseTM NOW, and allow Dr. Horowitz to demonstrate how.
This Course will ‘blow your mind,’ awaken your creative care-giving and human service capacity, and spark your health products manufacturing and marketing genius.
This is no ‘joke’ or slick ‘sales pitch.’ This is about miracle-making and transforming the world of care-giving. This Course is for lay caregivers (especially elders and injured veterans), and successful professionals looking for their ‘next step’ to personal and career enrichment.
This Course is also for smart entrepreneurs wanting to develop new products and equipment, cutting-edge brands of natural consumer products, and those who want to earn a great living by helping people kick bad habits, control pain, beat depression, and overcome illnesses.
If you are any of the above people, register NOW!
Need more info? View Dr. Horowitz’s FREE introduction, and/or schedule his complementary consultation to answer any remaining questions you may have after reading the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section below.
Otherwise, ‘just do it!’ Register for this Course NOW by CLICKING HERE.
Spontaneous remissions of cancers and more have been reported. Dr. Horowitz has figured out why they happen, and how to make them happen powerfully, naturally, using the frequency of “LOVE 528” prompting natural immunity in accordance with double-blind peer-reviewed science.
Student Appreciation
“Dr. Len, Just writing this to tell you how much my heart overflows with love and gratitude for your awesome contributions to humanity. I hope that some day I’ll be able to show you my thanks in a way that blesses you as much as you’ve blessed me. I thank God with tears for a soul as sweet as yours. . . . Godspeed in 528 my friend! Max
Brief Bio of an Award-winning Author, Filmmaker & Consumer Health Activist
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M. (hon.), D.M.M. (hon.) is the world’s most prolific, articulate, best-credentialed, highly-controversial, widely-censored drug industry whistleblower, alternative medicine expert, and natural healing activist.
“Len” is the award-winning author of twenty-two (22) books, more than three (3) dozen scientific peer-reviewed articles, and seven (7) documentary films, including the winner of five (5) international awards for UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro, named “Best Film – 2016” in two World International Film Festival competitions.
The doctor’s three American best-sellers include: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional? This book was largely responsible for prompting explosive interest in making vaccinations ‘safer.’ Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse that revealed the ancient Solfeggio musical scale secreted for millennia; and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science in which Dr. Horowitz pioneered the protocol used by thousands of doctors and natural healers for administering prevention and speedier recoveries.
His text, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, has prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries. Many celebrity artists such as Bono, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Amerie, and many others have followed the doctor’s advice to improve recording artistry and provide “music therapy” using C=528Hz(A=444Hz) tuning that produces “medicinal music.”
Alternatively, the “432Hz musical movement” began, likewise, in response to Dr. Horowitz’s numerous publications in this field of frequency physics, electro-genetics, and bio-energetics, impacting on health science.
Also, have you heard about the importance of water alkalinity as a remedy for diseases? Thank Dr. Horowitz and water researcher James Karnstadt who were the first researchers worldwide to publish extensively promoting the importance of drinking alkaline water. Dr. Horowitz and Mr. Karnstadt also were among the first to promote oxygenation therapies for faster recoveries from myriad diseases. (See their audio education program titled: Survival Water pH and Oxygen. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2003.)
Register for this extraordinary opportunity to learn from the ‘Maestro’ of 528 in Frequency RehabTM NOW by CLICKING HERE.
‘Frequently Asked Questions’ Answered by Dr. Horowitz
1. I really want to take this Course, but can’t afford the price. Is there a way I can make payments or save on tuition?
Yes! You can use a credit card, and if you are a ‘senior citizen’ or military veteran dedicated to helping others, you are eligible for a 20% discount. The Frequency RehabTM Course tuition is Only $3,000, and that is very LITTLE for what you get–the ability to earn a six-figure annual salary helping people live pain free, heal miraculously, and pass on the favor!
Read about your capacity to start earning money within weeks of gaining the required knowledge and equipment. A reasonably motivated caregiver or professional therapist can easily and enjoyable earn a six-figure annual income by taking advantage of the “Frequency RehabTM Franchise Financial Opportunity.”
You’ll see that what you get in this Frequency Rehab Course, and the equipment investment you’ll want to make, makes $3,000 tuition very reasonable. To be sure, simply read about your Franchise Opportunity using these links:
Franchise Opportunity • Financials • Videos • Resources
2. I’ve heard of ‘Seniors Caring for Seniors.’ Is there a way for seniors to train other seniors to administer Frequency Rehab services and events?
ABSOLUTELY! That supports our mission for successfully expanding.
Seniors are not only eligible for a 20% discount on this Frequency Rehab CourseTM, but a 10% commission on all referrals. All graduates who want to teach are encouraged to do so. You will also want to supply the novel products and Frequency RehabTM equipment to others. That pays you 20-50% of suggested retail.
That way, Certified Frequency Rehab Practitioners, as you will be when you finish this Frequency Rehab Course, can resell items you will learn to manufacture yourself using my easy-to-follow do-it-yourself instructions.
Otherwise, you can purchase similar products and equipment online at: All of this can help build your career, even franchise, into a very lucrative business.
And what’s the best way for everyone, especially SENIORS, to make your client list or franchise grow?
Host weekly or monthly Frequency RehabTM gatherings, dance events, or music video group therapy sessions.
These virtually administer themselves using the Solfeggio Eclectica Music Video Therapy Program.
Use this frequency-based healing service that I developed for large or small groups.
Seniors, and those incapacitated by pain or trauma, are always looking for healing and rejuvenating activities, right? Give them the science-certified cutting-edge best, and give yourself, your services, and products a plug when you host these events. Your sales and community support will skyrocket.
GREAT IDEA: Set up an exhibit table at the back of the function room, dance hall, or entrance-way to ‘show-and-tell’ your products, equipment, and wonderful healing services. You will be swamped with requests to schedule your services, and your reasonably-priced products will sell. Because people increasingly distrust doctors and urgently need relief from all types of pain and illnesses, such as:
- Arthritis pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Depression and Anxiety
- Drug Addictions/Rehab/Recovery
- Migraine and Tension Headaches
- Back pain and spinal conditions
- Tiredness/Low Energy
- Lifestyle-related Ailments, and more.
Initially, you can expand your offerings by purchasing a small amount of supplies from Healthy World Store.
“First Time Buyers” enrolled in this Course get a 20% discount, up to 50% discount depending on quantities ordered.
Then, after being delighted with these frequency-empowered products, helping others with them, showing-and-telling your satisfied customers/clients/patients/care-recipients or prospects about this wonderful healing opportunity, you can teach them to help themselves, and heal others too.
Try the inexpensive ‘homeo-alchemy’ ‘spirit-remedy’ CBD528, for starters. Or rely on our best-selling broad-spectrum anti-microbial alternative to risky vaccines. As part of this Course, I will teach you to use your imagination to make similar products and product lines for your business, patients or clients.
Register Now to Receive Special Gifts
Your $3,000 educational business investment enables you to receive several wonderful bonuses. For example, you will learn how to put special healing frequencies into water. This is like the specialty field of homeopathy.
You will learn the science behind this too.
You will learn to manufacture an array of natural healing products, as well as expand your valuable services.
All of this helps solve the problems posed by drug-based medicine.
If you are a lay caregiver, and you register now, you will receive:
- A Crash Course for Lay Caregivers in Anatomy, Physiology, Metabolism and Natural Healing
This is my ‘Healthy World Ambassadors Training Program.’ It has already helped tens of thousands of students achieve greater success in natural care-giving.
This eight-part series of videos will “level the playing field” for you to interface more knowledgeably with licensed professionals, including medical doctors, chiropractors, nurses, etc.
- The 528 Key Movie
A lot of my work has been in the field of frequency 528 therapeutics. Register NOW to receive this bonus– a feature-length movie that explains 528, and why I refer to it as the “LOVE 528” frequency.
This film details the “Key of the House of David” prophecy, and why 528Hz frequency is used by the most enlightened healers worldwide, beginning with Hebrew’s hero, King David. He was recorded in the Bible soothing King Saul with this harp tuned, obviously, to this key.
- The 528 Life Seminar: Water Structuring for Culinary Alchemy Handout
This special bonus will introduce you to “cooking with 528.” Prepare meals, natural remedies, herbal elixirs, and more consumer products, using this special know-how.
- Scientific Research on the 528Hz Frequency Published in the Peer Reviewed Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy
This bonus shames skeptics. Researchers worldwide help legitimize your frequency healing practice and this exploding field of Frequency RehabTM.
This intelligence proves the 528Hz wave boosts the chemistry of immunity by 100%. This vibration protects nerve cells, brain function, and the entire central nervous system.
You will use this knowledge to help people burdened by alcoholism and other drug addictions.
- Solfeggio Eclectica Guidebook
This bonus will help you expand your clientele most enjoyably. This is a 60-page music therapy and frequency guidebook.
This, along with my music-video program, will enable you to host ‘ecstatic dance’ events, and music video therapy programs.
There are great ways to attract new patients or clients into your GREAT Frequency Rehab FranchiseTM .
That’s right, another bonus of this Frequency Rehab Course, is that you can use this program like a Franchise Leadership Development Opportunity. You have the option of growing your care-giving into a lucrative business–a Frequency Rehab Franchise.
And there is more. . . .
If you register NOW, you will receive a full case of OxySilver for FREE. That’s 24 bottles of the World’s Most Powerful Antibiotic and Vaccine Alternative. The suggested retail price for this franchise starter supply is $1248.75. Normally, only as a Frequency Rehab Course graduate, would you be eligible to purchase this case for 50% off. But if you register now, as one of the first 100 enrollments, you will receive this valuable bonus for FREE!
So don’t delay. Register NOW to receive these valuable bonuses, by CLICKING HERE.