Hawaii Lake Wai’au Disappears: Messages in Water Help Explain Why.
Sacred Hawaii Lake Wai’au Vanishes as Researchers Analyze It’s Prophetic Message to Save the Earth: Breath of the Earth™ Study Confirms Spiritual Basis of Life’s Origin Through Multiple Reproductive Communications
Dr. Leonard Horowitz
and Dr. Masaru Emoto
(January 15, 2014) Big Island, HI–A few of us have known about this tragedy for years, but it is finally making headlines (as evidenced by this article in the Big Island Weekly). Lake Waiʻau, the emerald gem atop the highest mountain on earth–Mauna Kea–is nearly completely disappeared, stumping the gods of science who can’t figure out why.
In fact, while this environmental disaster, scientific puzzle, and cultural catastrophe is gaining publicity on the island predicted to lead the planet in an “aloha renaissance;” and while the wise natives and holy kahunas, the lake’s protectors, have pleaded to no avail with politicians, multinational corporations, and observatory curators, the message in this water’s disappearance is best explained by the water itself, according to these authors.
The following photographs share the secrets of the “Breath of the Earth™,” trademarked for use in natural healing (e.g., homeopathics) in 2007 by Dr. Leonard Horowitz–a naturopath and public health expert. The doctor tested the “holy water” characterized as “sacred” by his Kahuna friends, and then he invited his colleague, internationally known water cystallographer and humanitarian peace activist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, to study the water further at his laboratory in Japan. (Kahuna is a Hawaiian word to mean “Precious One,” the “Provider,” or the “Keeper of the Sacred Principle.”)
It should be noted that Dr. Emoto knew nothing about ancient Hawaiian prophecies predicted to unfold adjacent Lake Wai au, on Mt. Mauna Kea, when he collected the water samples from steam vents in 2008. Nor did he learn about the disappearance of the holy Lake Waiʻau, while visiting Horowitz at his “Kingdom of Heaven” retreat (Sacred Sanctuary for Renewal). In fact, he assigned his less informed laboratory technicians the task of photographing the water crystals, who then mailed the results to Dr. Horowitz who provided the following analysis. Consequently, what follows is “double blind” photographic evidence of the message in this water.
Many local residents, beyond native Hawaiians, testify to the high intensity of the Creative Spirit” on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Here is where the newest land on Earth is being formed along with the greatest diversity of life.
“Water is a liquid crystal superconductor of sound and light energies,” Dr. Horowitz has often lectured. “The lava-heated steam carries the ‘purgative and restorative’ energy signature of the Big Island. The water is resonating uniquely with the frequencies associated with intense volcanic eruptions–like purging pent up stresses and strains in ‘Mother Earth’ (the sacred ‘eina’ in Hawaiian)–and restoring nature’s primordial and most fertile soil to grow paradise.”
For this reason, many regard the Big Island of Hawaii as ideal for creationistic research and spiritual renewal.
So Dr. Horowitz engaged his colleague, Dr. Emoto, in this cooperative study of the possibility that “Pele’s breath,” as some natives call the lava-heated ground water issuing from the steam vents, might produce water crystals (i.e., “clustered water”) reflecting messages regarding the Big Island’s reproductive and creative reputation.

It, therefore, receives the first and brightest light from billions of galactic suns and stars.
The world’s best telescopes and astronomical experts are stationed here in the heart of the world’s largest body of water to unravel the mysteries of hydrocreationism. Through analyses of sound and light, they seek to discover the origin of life and the cosmos.
Supplied by governmental grants and corporate contracts, scientists search outward posing questions. . . .
In the stillness of the mountain’s silence, the best researchers turn inward for answers.

“The end of the universe begins right here.”
If flash frozen water crystals are capable of relaying hidden messages, as Dr. Emoto hypothesized, then the Big Island’s lava-heated steam might be expected to relay information about the origin of the universe somehow or somewhere in its structure.
In Dr. Horowitz’s book, Walk on Water, he relayed the fact that the summit of this sacred place is believed by Kahunas to be “the Divine umbilical cord to all creation—the birthplace of the cosmos.”
Relatedly, a huge natural heart-shaped hill protrudes from Mauna Kea. It greets visitors approaching the world’s most esteemed deep space observatories here.
Photograph courtesy of http://www.wainscoat.com/astronomy) showing an eruption of Kilauea volcano seen from Mauna Kea. The Gemini Telescope dome is under construction at the right. . . .
The following photographs were produced by Dr. Emoto’s well-trained laboratory assistants in Japan who were unaware of the sources of the two water samples analyzed in this study. Samples were collected by the authors. Pure Breath of the Earth™ was obtained by condensing and collecting lava-heated steam erupting from a highly active steam vent. A second sample was taken from a mixture of the Breath of the Earth™ and fresh rainwater, certainly among the purest on Earth. The full strength and “homeopathic samples” were flown to Japan without exposing them to x-rays. Once in the lab, they were cryogenically (flash) frozen and examined under the “cold room” microscope at 100 and 200 magnifications. Using Dr. Emoto’s laboratory technique, less than twenty clusters were able to be identified and photographed. So if a common theme was to be determined in this small sample of photographs, it would be highly improbable and very significant statistically.

Symbolically, and ironically, the photo displays two daggers crossing at the center of the heart that some reviewers noted recalls the angles formed by the Scottish Rite Freemasonry logo (shown right).
Diluting the Breath of the Earth™ with rainwater (similarly done to potentize homeopathics) produced the next cluster —a beautiful crystal.

Alternatively, the photo center appears as a twisting umbilical cord and “wormhole” connecting inner to outer levels of the cosmos, creation, or multi-dimensional space.
Furthermore, the hexagonal (sacred) geometry of organic chemistry and all life forms is exclusively seen here emerging from small to large as per the theological tenet “as above, so below.”
The “hexagon parade” appears to spin out from the core of creation, and turn from the depths of darkness, while proceeding to grow and move into the radiant light.
It is well known in biochemistry that hexagons represent the sacred geometry of biology; the “carbon 6 building-block” of all life!
In this next very unusual clustered water crystal photograph, the full strength Breath of the Earth™ gives the impression of a spinning yin/yang symbol— the core creative energetic polarity of the universe, as well as the male and female energies required to reproduce life.
In addition, students of microanatomy (i.e., histology) are reminded here of a fallopian tube passing an egg seconds after fertilization by a sperm.
Dr. Horowitz paid this fleeting consideration no heed until he saw the next photo (below) in the full strength Breath of the Earth™ series. It shows a fetus-like structure at the center of its cluster and an obvious umbilical cord attached. . . .

One might say these authors have active reproductive or creative imaginations. Yet, Dr. Horowitz did not take these photos, and the series is distinctly different from any Dr. Emoto has produced to date.
Nor did Dr. Emoto’s lab technicians know the aforementioned Big Island history prior to photographing these water clusters.
Thus, this simple “double blind” investigation provided a “message from water” very clear to both investigators. . . .
And though the rest of the scientific community may be slow to grasp this evidence, notice, blessing and warning, we pray it will not escape you, especially now that sacred Lake Waiʻau is nearly dried up.
The purgative and restorative energies investigated and discussed herein appear vital, and must be used, to recreate ourselves as pure bodies of water as originally intended. This applies to our planet as well, having been sourced from frequencies of sound (i.e., “good vibrations) on water.
The messages in these water crystals, and Mauna Kea’s disappearing lake, strongly suggest the only hope for civilization’s survival rests in our communion with nature, greater respect for it, and in the sacred power of water.
“Your body is made of approximately eighty (80) percent water and twenty (20) percent lava rock (i.e., minerals),” lectures Dr. Horowitz. “The chemical equation for water that is poisoned by petrochemical and pharmaceutical pollution is: H+ + OH- = H2O. The “H+” symbolizes acid, which burns and destroys nearly everything. Acid rain, caused by increased fossil fuel usage is a great example. Diseases caused by dehydration, water and air pollution, is another good example because systems turn highly acidic and oxygen deficient. In the human body, dehydration, acidification, and low oxygen levels are the most common factors causing chronic diseases, including cancers.”
So Mauna Kea’s disappearing lake reflects civilization’s disappearing health following the industrial revolution featuring petrochemical-pharmaceutical investments and technologies that have become increasingly enslaving, as opposed to freeing.
Water is the “universal solvent” that dissolves pollution caused by energy production that interferes with the natural balance of water in our atmosphere, and apparently in Lake Waiʻau.
“If you combine the: 1) global weather changes, increasing drought on the Big Island; 2) increasing air pollution, causing atmospheric acidification, also increasing evaporation; and 3) reported energy experiments by the multinational corporations that natives fear is also associated with strange thunderstorms on the Big Island, you have a recipe for disaster, as the disappearing lake evidences,” Dr. Horowitz concludes.
Humanity’s survival, much like Lake Waiʻau, depends on this recognition and therapeutic “detoxification;” because the laws of physics demand justice, karmic law, and Divine force as opposed to man-made energies and technologies to control everyone and everything, including the weather.
The controversy over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used agriculturally and medically also features this enslaving commercial hypocrisy.
Physicists have proven humans are part of a musical-mathematical-matrix of creation, yet corporations neglect and abuse this science while seeking to control everything and everyone. Lake Waiʻau reflects nature and nature’s ways of purifying and sustaining natural systems with water. So, the disappearing lake’s message urges a shift in commercial interests and ideologies, promoting a paradigm that puts public health, environmental quality, sustainability, and safety, ahead of special interests.
There are no greater political or spiritual calling than this. For the sake of civilization’s survival, please help us spread these findings and loving messages about the origin of life and our choice to sustain ourselves and our planet through the aloha Spirit, which is the message of the Lake Waiʻau’s protectors.
The lives of our children, and the future of our planet, depends on what we decide to do about disappearing Lake Waiʻau at this time.
This research was made possible by generous donations from: Hado, LLC; Medical Veritas International, Inc., and people like you.
About the Authors:
Dr. Emoto is best known for his New York Times bestselling book, The Hidden Messages in Water, and his appearance in the award-winning documentary film “What the Bleep Do We Know!” Dr. Horowitz is best known for his many books and documentary films, and developing a natural substitute for risky and costly vaccines and antibiotics called OxySilver.
Dr. Horowitz was introduced to Dr. Emoto in 1998 by their common water science mentor, Dr. Lee Lorenzen, developer of the first marketed clustered water.
For more information about the doctors collaborating to advance this research, and the topics mentioned above, link to:
www.TheWaterResonator.com; and
Or call: 1-888-508-4787.
Copyright © 2006, 2010, 2014, Leonard G. Horowitz and Masaru Emoto. Permission to reprint and freely circulate this information with proper crediting is encouraged.