The Solfeggio & the Natural Healing Frequencies (3 6 9) Fraud
The Solfeggio & the Natural Healing Frequencies (3 6 9)
The following article is an example of counter-intelligence propaganda deployed on the Internet to confuse and damage the paradigm-shattering “528LOVERevolution.” Dr. Horowitz, whose intellectual property was plagiarized in the published article, responds to the article below.

The Solfeggio frequencies are inverted. And what happens when natural healing frequencies are inverted anti-clock wise? It lowers our energy, holds us back in a very low vibrational range, trapping our true natura, disconnecting us, while making us (multidimensional) sick.
The Solfeggio frequencies, worldwide famous for being Healing frequencies, or the “sounds” (vibrations) of Creation, do not match with the 3-6-9 natural order of sequence.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
We are only beginning to grasp the hidden knowledge regarding the 3-6-9 mystery. The pattern starts to emerge when we add 3’s:
0 + 3 = 3
3 + 3 = 6
6 + 3 = 9
9 + 3 = 12 (1 + 2 = 3)
12 + 3 = 15 (1 + 5 = 6)
15 + 3 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
18 + 3 = 21 (2 + 1 = 3)
21 + 3 = 24 (2 + 4 = 6)
24 + 3 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
27 +3 = 30 (3); 33 (6); 36 (9); 39 (3); 42 (6) … and so on indefinitely!
The same sequence appears on the Universal numbers, referred as to “angel numbers”, triple numbers:
111 (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
222 (2 + 2 + 2 = 6)
333 (3 + 3 + 3 = 9)
444 (4 + 4 + 4 = 12) = 3
555 (5 + 5 + 5 = 15) = 6
666 (6 + 6 + 6 = 18) = 9
777 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21) = 3
888 (8 + 8 + 8 = 24) = 6
999 (9 + 9 + 9 = 27) = 9
Can you see the pattern now?
Here are the Solfeggio Frequencies:
174 (3) – 285 (6) – 396 (9) – 417 (3) – 528 (6) – 639 (9) – 741 (3) – 852 (6) – 963 (9) Hz
When we separate the frequencies into the same vibrational level, we get 3 sets of triple frequencies, each with only 3 numbers:
174 (3) / 417 (3) / 741 (3)
282 (6) / 528 (6) / 852 (6)
396 (9) / 639 (9) / 963 (9)
In the above image, it shows how these 3 sets of vibrations, together form a triple tetrahedron, overlaid. If we pay close attention we notice how each edge points out to the middle number per frequency, and so it transforms into a frequency wheel:
The 3 6 9 pattern, according to this “wheel”, always moves clock wise, to the right, 3-6-9, 6-9-3 and 9-3-6. It is therefore, creations natural order of manifestation and empowerment.
In comparison, the Solfeggio moves anti-clock wise, to the left, hence the 3-9-6 instead of the 3-6-9, the 6-3-9 instead of 6-9-3, and 9-6-3 instead of 9-3-6. The same with the other two sets of frequencies.
174 (3) – 285 (6) – 396 (9) – 417 (3) – 528 (6) – 639 (9) – 741 (3) – 852 (6) – 963 (9)
The Natural Frequencies according to the wheel:
147 (3) – 258 (6) – 369 (9) – 471 (3) – 582 (6) – 693 (9) – 714 (3) – 825 (6) – 936 (9)
These natural frequencies also can be found under the name of Solfeggio Mirror frequencies.
147 Hz:
258 Hz:
369 Hz:
471 Hz:
582 Hz:
693 Hz:
714 Hz:
825 Hz:
936 Hz:
Eli de Lemos
Dr. Horowitz’s Published Response
Frankly, I am the author of much of the intellectual property plagiarized in the above article that reads like a stupid counter-intelligence scheme to confuse and conceal the truth about the ancient Solfeggio musical scale. The overall thesis advanced above by “Eli de Lemos” is dumb, because it presumes a SPIN PREFERENCE that does not hold up universally, nor on earth, because northern and southern hemispheres demonstrate alternate spin directions. One is not better than the other, and much depends on where you live or listen to the music.
Next, even presuming my work pioneering modern revelations in the “Perfect Circle of Sound” expressed one or the other spin preferences (which my Solfeggio publications never did), the author’s fraud and plagiarism takes the stupid liberty to shift the three number sequences based on his/her false presumption on spin direction. This exclusively justifies his/her alterations of the mathematical frequencies. This is also stupid because the “musical mathematical matrix of creation” operates throughout time and beyond physical space. (It includes the energy dynamics of black holes, beyond physical reality.)
Moreover, several honorable mathematical analyses have confirmed the numbers 396-417-528-639-741-852-963-174-285 as being the “core creative frequencies.” The first six were published by the ancient Levitical priests in the Book of Numbers of the Bible, and the Romans named each in Latin. (I simply followed the pattern to extrapolate the final three frequencies of the set 963-174-285.) Eli de Lemos–the manufacturer of the “Spin Thesis”–rejects all the above intelligence by reason of his/her flawed spin presumption in order to obfuscate the wonderful revelations I published based on numerous confirmations from esteemed colleagues in mathematics and physics.
Why would the author of this scam, Eli de Lemos, do this? Including plagiarizing my work without one professional accreditation?
(1) To confuse and defeat the “LOVE528” revolution in music and natural healing;
(2) To smear the Solfeggio frequencies to discourage and confuse religious people and “New Agers” by the false claim the Solfeggio is based on “paganism” or “satanism” rather than pure creative mathematics; and
(3) to sell her/his completely baseless set of alternative frequencies that have no support in science, nor musicology, nor common sense.
Since I hold a trademark on the image shown in the above article, reprinted without my permission and in bad faith with malicious intent to confuse and defraud people, i DEMAND the author of this blog article remove my copyrighted and trademarked image immediately, and crawl back into the hole called home.
Sincerely yours,
Leonard G. Horowitz.
After Dr. Horowitz filed a DMCA complaint to WordPress, the blog host responded, with Dr. Horowitz’s additional correspondence as follows:
On Nov 8, 2016, at 9:28 PM, Ceara Pertain wrote:
Hello Mr. Horowitz!
I received this email as I had commented on the blog post that has wrongfully used your information. Ic it would please you, I’d be happy to erase my comment, though I did not have any play in her posting. I’m sorry this happened to you and that your information was used incorrectly. I’m sure that’s exceptionally infuriating.
Please let me know what you’d like me to do.
Dr. Horowitz’s Reply
Yes, Ceara. This kind of dis-information that confuses and deceives people compounds my fury of being personally and professionally damaged.
What I would like you to do is find out the source of this counter-intelligence, and help me expose the agent(s) and/or agencies who published it on your website.
I think you have good cause now to pull the article. Pulling it might be best because to edit out my infringed-upon intellectual property would terminate the “spin thesis” presented. The entire article hinges on my intellectual and industrial property rights.
To me, the article was a clever attempt to obfuscate and discredit the “LOVE/528 Revolution.” I don’t see any redeeming value of the article. If I did, I would tell you. I work with many researchers and scholars internationally who don’t always agree with my conclusions, but we advance the science and discussion in good faith none-the-less. I don’t see this is possible with this “spin” article. It seems to be simply stupid and posted in bad faith.
Best wishes,
Leonard G. Horowitz